
原标题:大学英语口语交际 | you decide.



1. i have decided.我现已抉择了。

*you decide.你抉择吧。

2. it's up to you.悉数都看你的了。

*up to you 由你做主

3. this is the important point.这是要害性的一点。

4. this is my personal problem.这是我自个的疑问。

5. it's a matter of life and death.这是存亡攸关的大事。

6. you are free to go or stay.是去是留,随你。

7. there is no turning back.现已无可解救了。

8. let's play it by ear! 走一步看一步吧!

9. i am sure i can do it.我深信我能做好。

10. i will follow you.


11. let's all get together and act as one.


12. i have to do it anyhow.横竖也得干。

13. it's now or never.机不可以失,时不再来。

14. the sooner, the better.越早越好。

15. i will take a chance.碰碰命运看。

16. have more guts.再拿出点勇气来。

17. let's finish it somehow.咱们总得想办法结束。

18. it's worth a try.值得一试。

19. you just wait.你等着瞧吧。

20. we must function as one mind and one body.


*function 运转 职务 功用

- end -


标签:英语前进 口语交际


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